Oh man, this is the part that I would rather not show anyone but I'll post it here in a preservation purposes.
So here are all old version of the screenshots that I had to redraw because they looked bad or had some mistakes. And they're compared with the final ones of course.
All images are clickable btw
Not that many changes here. Just made his beard more prominent
Made her hair much longer. She no longer looks like a mix between that red haired girl and a nerd boy from Sailor Moon (god, I hate that ship, i hate it i hatetiihatitihatitihatit-)
Some small fixes on Pepperman and his younger sister. His older sister got a complete redesign for her attire. Originally she was wearing some sort of mix between boy school uniform and kung fu clothes. I clearly wasn't cooking with that design...
Eh, not much to say. Just some gamma and color correction on this one
This bastard of a pizza was the hardest one to get right. I had to redraw him several times from scratch
I wasn't satisfied with Fakepina original design for quite long time. But I didn't redesign her right until the end...
You can also see that she was supposed to have her hand transformed into a knife, but I didn't like the implementations behind it. Also she wasn't melty and also not scary at all. I wasn't cooking with her either.
And that's it! There are also some animations but they mostly had some color correction or lipsync redone. Nothing special to make a comparison